From Fighting Against to Fighting For…is it possible?
We don't want to admit it, but the truth is that we are often the victims of our own disobedience. We face difficulties and trials due to our unwillingness to be in full submission to the command of God. In our efforts to be obedient to what God has commanded unto us,...
Saul Prophets will be Stripped
Today we are hearing and seeing many Prophets who are constantly releasing a barrage of personal attacks, statements that are strategically directed at others, declarations from a root of bitterness, and motives that are impure. The Bible clearly warns us of these...
2018: A Great Divide
As the year draws to a close, the LORD really began to deal with me last month about how I positioned myself to end this year. With so much being devoted into finishing well, I found myself not looking further down the road and into 2018. Recognizing that we have only...
Offense: A Spiritual Octopus
Offense! It's a word that we have either experienced or seen others go through it. It's a hot topic word as it seems more and more individuals are going through battles of being offended. Whether it is being offended over politics, religion, freedom, protest, choices,...
The Pruning Hook is at Hand
Recently, I had a unique dream that I found myself disturbed but then quickly encouraged by. In the dream, I saw a land that I was not familiar with. It had large fields filled with massive trees that were perfectly aligned in rows. The land had rolling hills instead...
Get off the Porch
“Blow a trumpet in Zion, Consecrate a fast, proclaim a solemn assembly, Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, Assemble the elders, Gather the children and the nursing infants. Let the bridegroom come out of his room And the bride out of her bridal chamber. Let...
The Emerging Glory
It will not come as a surprise to many as they recognize the evidence of Glory being established throughout many different regions. From the testimonies of healing and miracles, to the powerful stories of deliverances, restoration, and salvations. There’s an Emerging...
Believing You’re The Unblessed Brother
"As soon as Isaac had finished blessing Jacob, and Jacob had barely gone out from the presence of his father Isaac, Esau his brother came in from his hunting. He also had prepared savory food and brought it to his father, and said to his father, “Let my father arise...
It’s Time to Create History, not Reenact
I remember hearing Dutch Sheets share a dream that someone once had concerning the call to share the stories of old. Dutch was telling everyone that we must be willing to remind others of what God has already done and encourage those who have yet to experience the...
The Brothers are Returning to Joseph
Recently while on the phone with Darla Martini (The Hub, Central Arkansas Worship Center), we were having a conversation concerning Honor, Respect, and what is happening within the Body. Darla was sharing with me how individuals who once were a part of her life in...