Where are the David’s?

Where are the David’s?

One of the more powerful words I have ever heard came from Evangelist Steve Hill when he preached a message asking the question, “Where are the Men of God?”. In the message, Steve details the encounter of the Prophet Nathan as he detailed the moment that...
Altars of Error

Altars of Error

I want to be clear and straight forward with everyone who reads the following…I believe that this is a word for each and every one of us. It’s not a word where we point fingers while only thinking of others. It is a word of self-evaulation before...
Saul Prophets will be Stripped

Saul Prophets will be Stripped

Today we are hearing and seeing many Prophets who are constantly releasing a barrage of personal attacks, statements that are strategically directed at others, declarations from a root of bitterness, and motives that are impure. The Bible clearly warns us of these...
2018: A Great Divide

2018: A Great Divide

As the year draws to a close, the LORD really began to deal with me last month about how I positioned myself to end this year. With so much being devoted into finishing well, I found myself not looking further down the road and into 2018. Recognizing that we have only...
Offense: A Spiritual Octopus

Offense: A Spiritual Octopus

Offense! It’s a word that we have either experienced or seen others go through it. It’s a hot topic word as it seems more and more individuals are going through battles of being offended. Whether it is being offended over politics, religion, freedom,...